Results for 'Abbot Edes Smith'

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  1. Principles of religious philosophy.Abbot Edes Smith - 1916 - Minneapolis, Minn.,: The author.
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    Conversational topic maintenance and related cognitive abilities in autistic versus neurotypical children.Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Danielle Matthews, Colin Bannard, Joshua Nice, Louise Malkin, David M. Williams & Hobson William - unknown
    Keeping a conversation going is the social glue of friendships. The DSM criteria for autism list difficulties with back-and-forth conversation but does not necessitate that all autistic children will be equally impacted. We carried out three studies (two pre-registered) with verbally-fluent school children (age 5-9 years) to investigate how autistic and neurotypical children maintain a conversation topic. We also investigated within-group relationships between conversational ability and cognitive and socio-cognitive predictors. Study 1 found autistic children were more likely than neurotypical controls (...)
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  3. Copyright© 2006 Cognitive Science Society, Inc. All rights reserved.K. Abbot-Smith, S. Atran, M. Aveyard, H. Behrens, S. Benus, L. Blomert, T. Bosse, J. Cagan, A. Cangelosi & L. Connell - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30:1127.
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    How Known Constructions Influence the Acquisition of Other Constructions: The German Passive and Future Constructions.Kirsten Abbot-Smith & Heike Behrens - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (6):995-1026.
    This article suggests evidence for and reasons why prior acquisition may either facilitate or inhibit acquisition of a new construction. It investigates acquisition of the German passive and future constructions which contain a lexical verb with either the auxiliary sein “to be” or werden “to become”, and are related through these to potential supporting constructions. We predicted that a supported construction should be acquired earlier, faster, and unusually rapidly. An inhibited construction should show an extended depressed usage. We analyzed a (...)
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    What's new for you?: Interlocutor-specific perspective-taking and language interpretation in autistic and neuro-typical children.Kirsten Abbot-Smith, David M. Williams & Danielle Matthews - 2020 - Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders.
    Background: Studies have found that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are more likely to make errors in appropriately producing referring expressions (‘the dog’ vs. ‘the black dog’) than are controls but comprehend them with equal facility. We tested whether this anomaly arises because comprehension studies have focused on manipulating perspective-taking at a ‘generic speaker’ level. Method: We compared 24 autistic eight- to eleven-year-olds with 24 well-matched neuro-typical controls. Children interpreted requests (e.g. ‘Can I have that ball?’) in contexts which (...)
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  6. Familiar Verbs Are Not Always Easier Than Novel Verbs: How German Pre‐School Children Comprehend Active and Passive Sentences.Miriam Dittmar, Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Elena Lieven & Michael Tomasello - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (1):128-151.
    Many studies show a developmental advantage for transitive sentences with familiar verbs over those with novel verbs. It might be that once familiar verbs become entrenched in particular constructions, they would be more difficult to understand (than would novel verbs) in non-prototypical constructions. We provide support for this hypothesis investigating German children using a forced-choice pointing paradigm with reversed agent-patient roles. We tested active transitive verbs in study 1. The 2-year olds were better with familiar than novel verbs, while the (...)
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    Cognitive underpinnings of irony understanding in children.Maria Katarzyna Zajączkowska, Kirsten Abbot-Smith & David M. Williams - unknown
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  8. When do children with Autism Spectrum Disorder take common ground into account during communication?Louise Malkin, Kirsten Abbot-Smith, David M. Williams & John Ayling - unknown
    One feature of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a deficit in verbal reference production; i.e., providing an appropriate amount of verbal information for the listener to refer to things, people, and events. However, very few studies have manipulated whether individuals with ASD can take a speaker’s perspective in order to interpret verbal reference. A critical limitation of all interpretation studies is that comprehension of another’s verbal reference required the participant to represent only the other’s visual perspective. Yet, many everyday interpretations (...)
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    How social vs. visual perspective-taking determine the interpretation of linguistic reference by 8-11-year-olds with ASD and age-matched peers. [REVIEW]Kirsten Abbot-Smith, David M. Williams, Danielle Matthews, Lucy Pettifor & Nicola Vince - unknown
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  10. A tale of two theories: response to Fisher.Michael Tomasello & Kirsten Abbot-Smith - 2002 - Cognition 83 (2):207-214.
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    The constructionist approach offers a useful lens on language learning in autistic individuals: Response to Kissine.Adele Goldberg & Kirsten Abbot-Smith - forthcoming - Language.
    The constructionist approach argues that communication is central to language learning, language use, and language change. We argue that the approach provides a useful perspective on how autistic children learn language, as it anticipates variable outcomes and suggests testable predictions. First, a reduced ability and interest in tracking the attention and intentions of others should negatively impact early language development, and a wealth of evidence indicates that it does. Secondly, and less discussed until recently, a hyper-focus on specifics at the (...)
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    Lexically Restricted Utterances in Russian, German, and English Child‐Directed Speech.Sabine Stoll, Kirsten Abbot-Smith & Elena Lieven - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (1):75-103.
    This study investigates the child‐directed speech (CDS) of four Russian‐, six German, and six English‐speaking mothers to their 2‐year‐old children. Typologically Russian has considerably less restricted word order than either German or English, with German showing more word‐order variants than English. This could lead to the prediction that the lexical restrictiveness previously found in the initial strings of English CDS by Cameron‐Faulkner, Lieven, and Tomasello (2003) would not be found in Russian or German CDS. However, despite differences between the three (...)
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    'It's a big world': understanding the factors guiding early vocabulary development in bilinguals.C. Delle Luche, R. Kwok, S. Durrant, J. Chow, K. Horvath, Allegra Cattani, Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Andrea Krott, D. Mills, K. Plunkett, C. Rowland & Caroline Floccia - unknown
    How many words is a bilingual 2-year-old supposed to know or say in each of her languages? Speech and language therapists or researchers lack the tools to answer this question, because several factors have an impact on bilingual language skills: gender, amount of exposure, mode of acquisition, socio-economic status and the distance between L1 and L2. Unfortunately, these factors are usually studied separately, making it difficult to evaluate their weight on a unique measure of vocabulary. The present study measures the (...)
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    (1 other version)Vocabulary of 2-year-olds learning English and an additional language: norms and effects of linguistic distance. II: Methods.Caroline Floccia, Thomas Sambrook, Claire Delle Luche, Rosa Kwok, Jeremy Goslin, Laurence White, Allegra Cattani, Emily Sullivan, Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Andrea Krott, Debbie Mills, Caroline Rowland, Judit Gervain & Kim Plunkett - unknown
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    Waiting to Exhale: Chaos, Toxicity and the Origins of the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service.Andrew Ede - 2011 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 39 (1):28-33.
    In 2008, Susan L. Smith published “Mustard Gas and American Race-Based Human Experimentation in World War II.” Research, undertaken by the US Army, attempted to quantify the effect of mustard gas and othe chemical agents on people from different racial groups. This was based on the idea that different races would respond differently to the toxins, and in particular that this would be evident through dermal reaction. In other words, different skin color might mean different skin constitution. Some of (...)
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  16. Monotonicity in opaque verbs.Thomas Ede Zimmermann - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (6):715 - 761.
    The paper is about the interpretation of opaque verbs like “seek”, “owe”, and “resemble” which allow for unspecific readings of their (indefinite) objects. It is shown that the following two observations create a problem for semantic analysis: (a) The opaque position is upward monotone: “John seeks a unicorn” implies “John seeks an animal”, given that “unicorn” is more specific than “animal”. (b) Indefinite objects of opaque verbs allow for higher-order, or “underspecific”, readings: “Jones is looking for something Smith is (...)
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    Knowledge and the Justification of Values in Values-Based Medicine.Benedict Smith - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (2):97-105.
    This paper critically evaluates central themes of values-based medicine (VBM). First, I discuss the 'non-descriptivist' conception of value judgments at the heart of VBM. According to it, no inferences can rationally be drawn from factual criteria to value judgments and the inferences that are naturally formed are a matter of human psychology. I argue, however, that it is an essential feature of value judgments that they are themselves subject to normative assessment. This implies an important role for an evaluatively rich (...)
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    A short view of great questions.Orlando Jay Smith - 1899 - New York,: The Brandur company.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Logic, or, The analytic of explicit reasoning.George H. Smith - 1901 - New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons.
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    Augustine's Confessions: The Concrete Referent.Elizabeth Hanson-Smith - 1978 - Philosophy and Literature 2 (2):176-189.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Elizabeth Hanson-Smith AUGUSTINE'S CONFESSIONS: THE CONCRETE REFERENT The chief problem facing critics who would consider the Confessions as both a literary work and a philosophical treatise remains the connection between the first nine books, the autobiography, and the last four, the metaphysical speculations on time, eternity, epistemology, and theology. A persistent desire to justify the work as an aesthetic whole has led critics on a search for thematic (...)
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    More, Buchanan and Florence Wilson.Dominic Baker-Smith - 1965 - Moreana 2 (3):106-108.
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    When Time Is Not a River.Nancy A. Barta-Smith - 1997 - International Philosophical Quarterly 37 (4):423-440.
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  23. The Truth That Frees. Aquinas Lecture, 1956.Gerard Smith - 1956
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    The Excellent Mind: Intellectual Virtues for Everyday Life. By Nathan L. King.Brett A. Fulkerson-Smith - 2022 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (3):374-376.
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    Great Thinkers: (III) Aristotle (Part II).J. A. Smith - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (37):15 - 26.
    When we from what may be called Aristotle's Cosmology turn to his work traditionally called the Metaphysics, we are faced with something—an inquiry or doctrine—of a surprisingly different character. There what we find is the exposition of a sort or degree of knowledge superior to that of the Sciences. This is what we call his metaphysics, but he does not so name it; he names it Wisdom, or Theoretical Wisdom. At times he calls it First Philosophy, or, again, Theology. It (...)
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    Four Teleological Orders of Human Action.Quentin Smith - 1981 - Philosophical Topics 12 (3):213-230.
    By “voluntary actions” we mean the actions that are willed to be done in a prior volition, and which are realized by our own power, rather than by an external force. Running up the slope of a hill for exercise is a voluntary action, but falling down the slope is not. The volition, or the “decision” to undertake an action, may be the outcome of a deliberation about which of several actions to undertake, or it may be a spontaneous decision (...)
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  27. Incompleteness and undecidability.Peter Smith - unknown
    In Episode 1, we introduced the very idea of a negation-incomplete formalized theory T . We noted that if we aim to construct a theory of basic arithmetic, we’ll ideally like the theory to be able to prove all the truths expressible in the language of basic arithmetic, and hence to be negation complete. But Gödel’s First Incompleteness Theorem says, very roughly, that a nice theory T containing enough arithmetic will always be negation incomplete. Now, the Theorem comes in two (...)
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    Morals, Reason and Animals.Jane A. Smith - 1991 - Journal of Medical Ethics 17 (3):167-167.
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  29. Religion and the New Psychology.Alson J. Smith - 1951
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  30. Towards an Adequate Account of Genetic Disease.Kelly C. Smith - 2007 - In Kincaid McKitrick (ed.), Establishing Medical Reality: Essays in Metaphysics and Epistemology of Medicine. Springer. pp. 83-110.
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    Antonio Buonvisi and Florens Wilson: corrigenda and a note.Dominic Baker-Smith - 2006 - Moreana 43 (Number 166-43 (2-3):253-254.
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    An introduction to third world theologies. Edited by John parratt.Alexander Lucie-Smith - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (2):337–338.
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    On sanctioning excuses.P. H. Nowell-Smith - 1970 - Journal of Philosophy 67 (18):609-619.
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    In and Out of Character.Murray Smith - 2012 - Film and Philosophy 16:139-147.
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    On the time required to construct a simple linear order.Kirk H. Smith & Barbee T. Mynatt - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (6):435-438.
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    Practice, Constraint, and Mathematical Concepts.Mark C. R. Smith - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (1):15-28.
    Dans cet article je propose d'exprimer et de défendre une conception des pratiques et du domaine de discours mathématiques qui soit sensible, d'une part, au pluralisme des relations entre pratiques inférentielles et intérêts, et d'autre part, à la structure objective et déterminante des concepts mathématiques. J'ébauche tout d'abord une caractérisation générale des pratiques, pour ensuite préciser certains phénomènes propres aux pratiques mathématiques. Suit un recensement des idées qui se dégagent des arguments pluralistes, et de celles qui sont à retenir. Mais (...)
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    Property rights: Philosophic foundations.G. W. Smith - 1979 - Philosophical Books 20 (1):21-23.
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    Taking religion seriously.David H. Smith - 2007 - Hastings Center Report 37 (4):4-4.
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    Autocracy at Work: A Study of the Yung-Cheng Period, 1723-1735.Kent C. Smith & Pei Huang - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (3):390.
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  40. Anna Soror, Swallow.C. H. Smith - 1950 - Classical Weekly 44:145.
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    Catholic Social thought and modern Liberal Democracy.Thomas W. Smith - 2008 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 11 (1):15-48.
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    Democracy and Leadership. Irving Babbitt.T. V. Smith - 1925 - International Journal of Ethics 35 (2):194-195.
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    Ethics.T. V. Smith - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43 (3):309.
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    Frame of the Universe: A History of Physical Cosmology. Frank Durham, Robert D. Purrington.Robert Smith - 1984 - Isis 75 (3):593-593.
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    Howard Mumford Jones: O Strange New WorldO Strange New World.Henry Nash Smith & Howard Mumford Jones - 1965 - Journal of the History of Ideas 26 (3):435.
  46. This Was Cicero.C. Howard Smith - 1942 - Classical Weekly 36:268-269.
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  47. (1 other version)What is Religious Knowledge?H. Bompas Smith - 1945 - Hibbert Journal 44:54.
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    Feminism and the Third Republic: Women's Political and Civil Rights in France, 1918-1945.Paul Smith - 1996 - Oxford Historical Monographs.
    France is the home of the Declaration of the Rights of Man, yet women did not vote until 1945, many years later than their peers in other countries. In a country where civil rights had long been a rallying cry, women were not second-class citizens--they were not citizens at all. In this fascinating and ground-breaking study, Paul Smith assesses why Frenchwomen were repeatedly refused the rights of citizenship and examines the political relationships established by French feminists in order to (...)
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    Antibiotics and Terminal Illness.Robert S. Smith & Carr J. Smith - 2009 - Ethics and Medics 34 (4):1-2.
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  50. Death and Texts: FInitude Before Form.D. Vance Smith - 2013 - The Minnesota Review 2013 (80):131-144.
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